Upscale Executive Neighborhood at Stillhouse Hollow Lake

Author: buylowsellheights Page 2 of 8

Road closure in Harker Heights

2022 Bell County tax appraisal notices are here

You should have received this tax appraisal notice in the past few days. If you haven’t gotten yours, you should be able to download it at <> . This is the county’s estimated value for your property, which is the amount the property is taxed on.

Take a look at the three lines where I’ve added green arrows.
1) Total Market Value: This is the county’s estimated value for your property. 2) Assessed Value: This is the value that you will be taxed on for 2022. Based on your tax exemptions, there may be a limit on how much your taxes can increase each year, so this number could be different from the Market Value.
2) Exemptions: These are your tax exemptions which reduce your taxable amount. If this is your primary residence, you should have the homestead exemption, which will show as “HS.” If you’re disabled, you should see “DV” or “DP,” And if you’re over 65, you should see OV65. If you qualify for an exemption and don’t see it, you need to have it added. Go to < wAR32gqaoPQ3v9xIJu6njC0fuw_x8cz9bc4G2gTxLSs1Urnk6mMqsDd-q07E&h=AT0D7RcBcQUEa MO3r74qNA1szX73yrAsnoCrhFz28BS2tzXtbyCwGdA8qED3poo3P9inJrG480HjrxaP_p_8hXqhS MU02zY1jcF8SHABldhlYhQPot0iAVWP0JULrECFoQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT02bQPrCN-b nvm3OH82XmIAOQoMnylMao010USq9gduZ0PKyXc0uSHgOMQIcrvF-DLI9OZgZ4Iwr8dHfvvlTHMO sho-WA9vy2wlnpiHqaaZXsSvKvbOe2C6VtVynZVuqS8Rqkqofe9vxKN57msf80yLdYZAoHjxNGc> for more info. DO THIS! It’s easy, free, and can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars per year.
Please note that our actual property values have shot up over the past couple of years, so it may be difficult to win a protest this year. But if you feel like your Total Market Value is significantly higher than the actual value of your home, you can protest using the instructions at the bottom of the notice. If you’re not sure of your property value, let me know, and I can send you sales information on the homes in our neighborhood. You can include that with your protest.

Let me know if I can help in any way!

Harker Heights city council approves rezoning -on-fm-2410-with-large-crowd-in-attendance/article_7b3e1ac0-bce8-11ec-82d8-9 71b5c68fd7e.html?fbclid=IwAR1jwkixo1QwC0zHDqtOzUGXv5k-5k6s_qbfrTUNYiqyQxdvlO cvXMvbRtA

Dana Peak Park Family Campout

Harker Heights is holding a family campout at Dana Peak Park May 6-8. More information and registration at

Dana Peak Park Cleanup

Group hike and cleanup at Dana Peak Park, April 23. For more info, contact <>

Harker Heights Farmers Market

Harker Heights Farmers Market will be held throughout the summer on Saturdays from May 14-October 29, 9:00 am 1:00 pm. For more info, call 254-953-5493 or email <> .

Harker Heights asking residents to conserve water

City of Harker Heights is in stage one of drought response. The city issued a <> conservation request for the area. City of Harker Heights put a voluntary outdoor watering schedule. Outdoor watering limited to once every five days on any day of the customer`s choice. Outdoor water use is discouraged between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. except with hand-held hoses. Article here: heir-residents-to-conserve-water/

Sprinkler Winterization Time!

It’s that time again. Cold weather is coming tomorrow night, and it’s time to winterize your sprinkler system.
Our sprinkler systems have a backflow valve that sticks up above the ground about 18-24 inches. Because this is exposed to wind, it freezes very easily and can explode under pressure. When temperatures get below freezing, it’s strongly recommended to drain that section of pipe or cover it (or both). Draining it only takes a couple of minutes and a flat-head screwdriver. This can save you a lot of heartache and a $250-$300 repair bill. For the really cold days, or several freezing days in a row , covering it may not be enough.
To drain your system, click here: <…/sprinkler-winterization/?fbclid=IwAR1Ce 0RTM8QUFOiyBx7Fv0f45kTh3MJrZcb7yDqbEt6OsmGc5tBO0m_Qwh8>…/sprinkler-winterization/ To cover it, you have a few options. Wrap it with some old towels, then cover the whole thing with an upside-down plastic Rubbermaid type of container. Or wrap it with insulation and duct tape a black plastic trash bag over the insulation. Or buy a sprinkler sock made for this purpose; they cost around $50-$100. Check Amazon for insulated sprinkler covers.

National Night Out was GREAT!

We had a wonderful turnout. Neighbors got to meet the police, McGruff the Crime Dog, city officials, and the mayor. But the best part was greeting the firefighters and thanking them for all their efforts saving our homes last week.

HH Community Yard Sale Rescheduled

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